So, I've been having lots of fun with fashion, just staying behind the scenes with it for a while...musing to myself lately about a decidedly back-to-black style shift, in fact (Angie and I are kind of stylistic opposites, I've found...I very much admire her style, yet what is *so* her would 98% just not work for mine. Wearing my style would probably make her apoplectic. And that's...OK! For me, it's a true case of "I'll enjoy X on others." )

Anyway. I have been more satisfied with my closet this year than ever, and it feels right to be winding down 2016 purchases for the most part. But it's NAS, so...

A couple of bras and some dark gray Topshop petite BF jeans are on their way to be tried out (never felt a need for BFs in blue), though only one bra was actually AS. But then I ordered...

...a pink/blush sweatshirt with rose gold metallic on it?

Pink and pullover sweatshirts as clothing are both very, very rare interests for me. But I do love metallics...and those wild cards, sometimes ya gotta try 'em? Plus, my style shift also recently had me switch interest in colorways on these, to my great surprise.

I think a few people here have been looking for "nice" sweatshirts...I don't know if this counts, but maybe it would work for someone else too.