I ordered two sizes of the Lole Piper raincoat since I could really use a new raincoat. Based on the size chart, I wasn't sure which size I would need, particularly since it stated that it tended to run a bit large.

But Nordstrom had sold out of the smaller of the two potential sizes, so I ordered the olive in the larger size (photo 1). In the meantime, I found that Sierra had a teal version in the smaller size for a significantly lower price and I ordered that too (photo 2).

Size wise, I feel confident that the smaller size is the one I need-- I'm just swimming in the olive one. And I just love the beautiful teal color, which is what my heart wants.

But I'm shocked that the olive might be more flattering on me? I had a color analysis done many years ago and still use the colors from my palette as a guide (photo 3). And olive is nowhere to be found in my palette. I'm trying to be a lot more open minded about colors right now which is why I tried the olive because I know that black washes me out.

I am wearing makeup to cover my rosacea and it's possible that is changing my skin tone slightly, but I can't deny that the olive looks great with my hair.

I still think I will keep the teal because the color makes me happy. And did I mention it was a lot less money?

All comments welcome.

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