Graphic tee makes the skirt work well for you, to my eye. Yay! I totally hear your need/ wish for good summer skirts. I gave up, since our summer seems to be so short this year -- just making do! But I will be on the hunt again next year.)

LOVE your other sale and non sale purchases. The Z&V blouse is fabulous, of course.

I like the Zella tee a lot! I should see if it is in Canada and available. What you say is so true -- anything that can crossover like that can work really hard for a person.

SO much fun about the backpack and jacket!

Late chiming in, but I really like how you styled the skirt with the graphic tee, and with the black components. I can see how you were intrigued by the print, and somehow, despite the size of the flowers and exuberant colors, it veers more moody than twee to my eye. It's hard to find non-precious summer clothes that will also last more than one season. Love the Z&V blouse and SE coat on you, from the first try-on of those. You had an excellent NAS!

I hear you about lightweight long sleeve cotton tops for summer. Skirt looks good - I always associate ditsy prints with stompy boots (aka Elaine from Seinfeld) so thumbs up from me.