The suede one is gorgeous on you. The best of the lot, IMO, now that they are styled, and I would not have said that beforehand. You wear it really, really well. Also it helps to see your face. '

I had a hunch the J. Crew was a poor fit, and glad you have ruled it out.

I like the Rag and Bone but am not convinced the fit is right on it. But it seems as if you are in love and it is certainly versatile. I have a sugar eye for tipping like that so it is hard to judge and maybe that (paradoxically) makes me pickier about it.

I actually really like the moto (Treasure and Bond) on you, too, but it doesn't make sense to duplicate or near duplicate.

Suz, I'm glad you said something about the Rag & Bone because I'm not 100% sold on it, as everyone else seems to be. It was actually in my returns pile for a bit before I posted the jacket round-up and started reading the positive responses! I'd love to hear what your eye is seeing with regard to fit, as I love the tipping and versatility as do you, to see if we match -- and if the issues are a deal breaker or not.

What I was seeing is a jacket that can't quite close and that "wings out" at the hips, rather than fall straight as in the model photo. Others have said they prefer this kind of fit rather than the model shot, so who knows?

Another vote for the suede jacket. The color is fantastic on you and it just feels like it could be worn a multitude of ways.

The Rag & Bone looks good but I agree that the fit might be off. The JCrew is a no for the reasons you already articulated.

I really love the T&B moto. Fit looks good and the styling works. The only question is how much you'd wear it if you already have a near duplicate.

With regard to the Treasure and Bond moto and vest, to paraphrase the bard, "Sleeves or no sleeves, that is the question"! I feel like both would get worn, so we will see how the final haul shakes out. I recall wearing the vest in the middle of winter under a coat; I'd probably wear the jacket as a jacket in the fall.

I like the VB a LOT, it's my fav of the bunch. I also like the piped blazer but looks like you have cuffs turned up - can those be altered?

I like the moto enough, if you can come up with ideas. But you don't sound that excited by it.

I'd leave the rest.

#1 Hands Down. No contest.

#3 Next.

The sleeves are long on both. Will you have them altered?

Angie, I'm thrilled to be able to get your advice, but unfortunately, it's left me confused! You see, I posted two sets of photos (one when I first posted and another one styled -- about halfway down), with different #1s and #3s. Not only that, consensus from forum members changed a bunch before and after the styling pics, particularly with the Lafayette and Rag & Bone jackets. I'm assuming you're commenting on the initial photos and like the VB moto the best, with the Lafayette as "next" (meaning, next best?)? If not, the numbers would mean you like the T&B moto best followed by the Rag & Bone. Ugh!

I know you're traveling and I hate for you to have to spend another minute on my post, but if you see this and can clarify, I'd be forever grateful. And yes, I plan to have the sleeves altered. The VB one will be tricky because of the zips. I'm thinking they may have to move the whole zipper part of the arm up a few inches and hide a seam in the pattern -- at least that is my hope. I don't see how I can wear the sleeves on that one as they are.

I am wondering it It's the three button closure on the rag and bone that is bothering you.

I'm back.

Posted about the ORIGINAL set of photos, Jules. The Rag & Bone is far too long in the sleeves.

Go with the VB striped moto and the suede Lafayette jacket.

The VB sleeves CAN be altered despite the zippers. It just costs a little more.

I'm with Angie. I think the Rag and Bone is too long in sleeves and also appears to bunch strangely at the shoulder which may be sleeve length plus angle of your arm to take photo or may suggest the stance is wrong for you. It's a high stance and looks a bit off on your frame to me.

I'm headed to a store today that has the R&B the next size up (I used the Pick Up in Store feature). I'm going to see if that helps with the bunching at the shoulders. If not, off it goes. It's time to get tough about these things, no matter how much I may want it to work!