I love the burgundy color for you, but if the blouse doesn’t work, there will be more opportunities to get something that does in that color.

The black top is great, easy for now, and perfect for later
Love the grey jacket, and I’m not bothered by the pull strings, I’d probably wear it was you have it in 15, but you could also just add a small knot.
the non NAS top is fab. The colors are great, and love the cropped fit, and the slightly oversized and body fit, it’s just oversized enough and boxy in sort of architectural way. Looks so much more interesting on you vs the model.
Like the dress, but if you feel its a maybe than I’ve found it should be a no.

Janet, I especially like the last blouse on you! Your energy just popped off the page in the picture! The jacket reminds me of a Mark Anthony jacket I bought for my husband several years back...I was always jealous of the weight and style, LOL!

I tried on the Vince blouse in store...so big! So low! I didn't think it was going to fit...I'm 5'6" but shoulder to bust, I'm so short. So you can only imagine! I'm looking for a blouse that color too to go with these pants, https://www.nordstrom.com/s/pi.....ts/7519742...you know if they even end up fitting!

I admit I'm with Jenni about the dress, and also hesitated to say anything for the same reasons. But you're wearing it and what I'm seeing in still pictures may very well not be the case in real life. If you enjoy wearing it and like how it looks on you, keep it! I'm all on Team Dress!

Your wildcard non-NAS item is wonderful!

I had a doctor appointment today near an actual Nordstrom, so I popped in to see if any sale (or otherwise) items jumped out at me. Nothing appealed. The colors in store are very muted and it was not terribly inspiring, I’m sorry to say.

There was a rack full of those burgundy Vince blouses — apparently it’s not as popular fit.

My closest Nordie's is an hour away. It's good to know a trip to the store may not be worth it, compared to shopping online.

Given my new love for marbling, when I saw that dress on Angie's finds it caught my eye and I instantly thought of you! I see how you're on the fence, but the fabric is so pretty.

Here is a dress at BRFactory that I'm toying with. It's all your colors! It's very long on me, and I just ordered a size down, but I bet it would be perfect length for you.

Great jacket!

Laurie, that’s pretty! Thanks for the link — might be worth attempting a try-on. It’s really hard to find a *gently* fitted dress, one that isn’t too tent-like. The colors are gorgeous.

I’m still pondering the piped top and the dress. I need to try on for hubs. I’m not 100% sold on the fabric of the top — it’s a little shiny-polyester and I have concerns about quality. I steamed the dress and think it hangs better now but will try on for hubs now that he’s home.

I wore the blue and white top/jacket yesterday and got compliments on it. It’s cool and breezy but with coverage — fun to wear!

Janet, looks like you might have two gorgeous marbled dresses soon

I was disappointed with the palettes of the NAS in stores too

Weighing in quite late: To my eye, the piped top doesn't look like YOU. For some reason, it gives me an old person vibe. And you can (and have) done much better than the dress. Your gut is talking to you; listen to it.

The gray jacket and striped non-NAS top are fab, fab, fab. THAT's what you want!

JMHO. . .


I finally got a chance to show my husband the final two items I had narrowed my order down to. I had already decided to return the piped top. For some reason — maybe the fabrication, maybe it just lacked the edge I wanted — I wasn’t feeling like “OMG I want to wear this” so back it went.

After a session with the steamer, the dress hangs really nicely, and it doesn’t crease to a distracting amount when I sit and stand in it, which was a concern for me. It skims nicely and strikes the right balance between bodycon and shapeless. But the clincher was when I showed it to my husband his reaction was an enthusiastic yes. So it’s a keeper!

He also loved the grey jacket. I have the ties looped as in the stock photo, so they don’t dangle so much, which solves that issue.

And that’s it for my NAS!

Wooohoo! Love the dress and jacket on you, Janet! Great items! And you can wear the dress right away

It has been VERY hot on the East Coast. Heatwave after heatwave. Hang in there. Or come back to Seattle....

Hi Janet. Hope all is well.

I'm in love with the jacket. Must go check it out at my Nordstrom. Glad you kept it.