I read or heard a while ago (maybe on What Not To Wear?) that no movie star is ever seen in a garment that hasn't been tailored, not even a tee or a camisole. The problem is that in this age of cheap ready-to-wear we've lost the cultural knowledge of what alterations can do, which is why we're so grateful to you for showing us a couple of amazing examples!

Hello, Ms Perfectionist! You could've been a designer. Your eye for tweaks is fab. I see how the subtle changes have made a big impact. Salut!

Nicely done! You are my alterations hero, Vix. I never even considered making a v-neck from a high-neck dress before! Brilliant.

Hi Shevia, Ornella, Adelfa, HeleninCA,and Nancylee --

Wouldn't it be fantastic to have everything tailored, and to have duplicates up/down a size for times when our bodies fluctuate? I have a bad habit of not getting the under $20 items tailored when I should, thinking they won't last -- then they do!

Thanks much for all the kind words.

Wow, what a difference a small change can make. These dresses are gorgeous on you. Thanks for the very informative post.

You are so clever to change a crewneck to a v, I would never have thought to do that. And the longer hemlines are the perfect touch. It's amazing what a difference a few tweaks can make. These were lovely on you before but now they are stunning, nice job!