The main item I hope to find at NAS this year is a great wool coat. I am hoping for something of high quality/higher end, tailored, at least medium weight and the possible colors are: navy (to replace my double-breasted navy coat that looks worn), light-to-mid grey, cream, dark jewel tones (burgundy, eggplant, teal). I am trying to avoid black though I can certainly pull it off - it is not my best color but I can wear it, I just find black coats boring. Plus I already have a lighter-weight black cocoon coat with faux-leather sleeves from J Crew factory.
So far, I am considering three options, and each one has it's pros and cons. Of course, I can not access quality and weight online and hope Angie chimes in, but nothing ticks all the right boxes. My quality guesses are based on typical ones for the said brand. My local Nordie's does not have any of these,so would appreciate your thoughts. Having found no booties, the coat will be my main purchase and needs to be decided on first as it will determine how much budget there is left for other items.

1. TT officer coat, which is sadly black. The cut is perfect for me, and I would guess the quality very good. Don't know the weight/warmth. Definitely my favorite coat of the sale, minus the black part. I keep thinking about relaxing the non-black request.
2. Navy Guess double breasted coat. Quite similar to the old one I would be replacing, love both the cut and color. I don't like the gold/brass buttons, and would probably replace them with something in the cool/silver family. I am unsure about the quality and the weight is probably medium at best as it says it is wool-blend.
3. Burgundy wrap Ted Baker. Love the color, and the quality is probably impeccable. The cut is good for me and I like it, but not as much as the two above. Not sure about the warmth, it looks a little thin, though the description says it is made of wool blend that is 75% wool.