I had 21 items on my list including 2 HEWIs (an espresso bag and a black silk collarless blouse). Used 89% of my budget to get 17 of them
(and one a two-fer: espresso AND metallic bag) and 5 items off-script (panties, socks, summer tank on clearance, and the wildcard I found in-store). 3 items were Angie’s picks (coincidentally, also my SA’s), and 1 my SA’s.
There are lessons for me here…
I have yet to find a true investment piece on NAS. Some bags come pretty close, though.
Fence-sitting? Listen to Angie. Historically, items I was undecided about and that Angie picked turned out to be workhorses. Ambivalent? Don’t keep it. Do. Not. Keep. It.
Shopping online? Not my long suit. http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....he-numbers. Apparently, I succeed shopping on-line only with Angie’s picks –oh, those fit and body-type comments!
For example, I fell in love with a wildcard online last year, and kept it despite reservations about how I’d style it; enjoyed it, but wore it seldom. This year, I utterly dismissed a top online as too ordinary to provide value-for-dollar. Not at all as pictured. When I tried it in-store on a lark, it just sparked joy. I’ve only done a preliminary try-on, but man, it works with everything! Seasonless, fine with or without a third piece, rescues a beloved hard-to-style leather jacket, elevates jeans, contributes to my minuscule dressy capsule (where’s Angie’s recent post about dressy clothes for us smart casual types?), and may serve in place of that other HEWI, a black silk collarless blouse.
I’m sorted. I’m satisfied. Satiated, even. Nothing remains but a leisurely search for updated denim.
Back to you. How satisfied are you with the sale this year? Is your strategy working for you?