So almost everything was just delivered-so try on is with what I’m wearing today for WFH, so not styled

#1 the red moto. 1st impression as I opened the box, LOVE this color. 2nd impression it’s more outerwear(ish) than what I was hoping, although it’s not really warm enough (or for me, long enough for) outerwear. I really want to love this, but I think it’s got to go back because it would be one of those items I would put on and take off before actually leaving this house.

#2 red Mary Janes. Super soft leather. IMO the square toe takes this classic to a little bit of the edgy side. They look redder and less orange than the pictures. Leaning to a keep

#3 red sneakers. Not sure why but the red sneakers feel really aggressive to me. And I wear a lot of bold footwear, but not sure where the line is between bold and aggressive. Thoughts?

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