And another INFJ here. I am in a good company:)

INTJ for me, every test, every time.

I'm not analytical about my wardrobe -- no spreadsheets for me. Well, my sweaters might be arranged by color in my closet.

Fashion and style are more an escape from the rigors of other aspects of my life, and I dress more extroverted than I am.

Suz, HOW did you remember I'm an ENFJ! I'm very impressed. I test it 90% plus every time.

The Expressive Stylist: ENFJ

ENFJs often seek to dress for those they will be with. For example, “business attire” may change if clients are older, younger, in a creative or a conservative industry, entrepreneurs struggling to get a business off the ground, and so on. ENFJs are amazingly aware of the feelings of others and are often adept at sensing how people are reacting to them and what they are wearing. ENFJs are also keenly aware that their own mood can be affected by not feeling put together or by straying too far from their own sense of style.


*mind blown*

Sal, I'm in good company.

Angie, I could never forget your type (or your amazing style!)

(Also, in fairness, it's really close to my own -- the type, I mean, not the amazing style ability! -- only difference is the introverted/ extraverted part.)

I may be ISFJ - just by description and not entirely sure.

The Harmonious Stylist: ISFJ

ISFJs are highly observant, precise and detail-oriented and these strengths shine through their ability to assemble well-coordinated ensembles. They may take a conventional approach to style, wearing classic pieces or adapting a look similar to friends, relatives or role models. Often this is an almost unconscious way of saving time and being appropriate. ISFJs will employ their fine eye for detail to become aware of the colors, fabrics, and shapes that best suit their personal coloring and body shapes.

Don't want to spend the money .

Ummlila - Another INTJ here and what you said resonates with me.

“...escape from the rigors of other aspects of my life, and I dress more extroverted than I am.”

Suz, AHA. That's a good way to remember, and we are almost twinsies

Thanks for the kind words too. I'm blushing.

So...for the first time in a long time, I retook the questionnaire (a rather short version of it at least). I guess we can change over time? Because now I come out a ISFJ(-A). Hmm.

Yah... the first time I took it, I was INTJ. That has totally changed.