OK, it is done deal now: I am keeping the dress and even wearing it again tomorrow for mini-golf outing!
Thank you all for setting me straight - and especial thanks to Angie for the inspiration!

Oh wow, Sveta. This is stunning on you. If I passed you on the street when you were wearing this dress, I'd probably stop and stare; it's that fab. Glad you've figured out how to wear it in a way that feels good to you.

Phew, I'm very relieved to hear you are giving this beautiful dress a second chance, Sveta:-)
The colour, style and silhouette are all so stunning on you. You rock this look for sure!

I think it's a keeper!!

Glad you are keeping it. The color is fresh and flattering; the fabric looks soft and drapes beautiful. You look so effortlessly elegant.

I'm glad you're keeping it and wearing it! It looks fresh and stylish, and you look stunning in it!

I'm glad you decided to keep this dress. It really looks great on you. The color is very flattering and the length is perfect. I hope you enjoy wearing it!

Thank you ladies! I wore it today to play mini-golf with my family and it felt blissfully cool on a hot morning. Actually my body felt cooler where it was covered by the silk in comparison to the arms and legs which were bare. Angie was right - covered with the right style and fabrication is cooler than bare skin!

You look terrific in it. The unbelting is key. But since it is supposed to be breezy and effortless, if is also key that you could identify fuss- free ways to wear it, with the slip- on shoes and minimal accessories.

I'm with others, this is a keeper piece and reminds me of Angie's dresses. But it does look like a stand alone piece, no layering for this dress. How fun you already owned a baggy style dress for hot summer days.

So bald you are keeping it! Fabulous interstate on of Angie's flag dress.