Not enough energy to go to the Mall, so trying luck online. I wan't going to get a red jacket, but when I saw it here, I knew I had to try. Not sure about the EF tunic, but felt adventurous.Every year I buy 1-2 pairs of Paige jeans. I was looking for some not black, not gray that looks like flannel, ponté pants, so I'm trying both of these plaid pairs, couldn't resist the hat. Munro shoes generally work for me, and I do need some new booties. These Ellesa were out of stock in my size by the time I put the order in, but were back the next day. Hesitated about the Nik+Zoe top, but overall I've done well with the brand.
Also bought some undies and Chantelle bras as usual.
Triple points day so dragged DH to my computer and picked out shoes, shirts, socks and underwear for him.
Seems like I spent all day online. I also ordered a North Face jacket, but it became unavailable and was cancelled. It was an unusual choice for me anyway.
Here's what I've ordered so far: