So, my NAS items arrived today.
1. (#1-2)The Ted Baker sweater is very pretty and nice quality, though definitely lightweight/transition weight, which is fine for me. I tried it on with the blush pants and shoes I happened to be wearing today, for fun blush-out, with a touch of red. A keeper unless you guys see something I don't.
2. (#3-4) I love the Stan Smith sneakers and they are very comfy. A keeper for sure.
Now for the key item, the TT coat. I love it and the quality and tailoring are absolutely divine. I don't even mind the black as it has nice texture to it. I am not sure it fits right though, and don't know if the issue is in my head or not. This is a very tailored coat with nipped in waist, which I feel is to large for me at the waist/upper hip area. The shoulder/chest area fit is OK. This is an issue I usually have with tailored dresses, but this is a first time with a coat.
In photos 5-8 I tried it on over fitted thinner cashmere turtleneck, in 9-11 over medium weight fluid sweater, the kind I would normally wear with such coat in the winter. In final photo of each of those (8 and 11) I am holding back the extra material around my waist. The coat is size 2, and I believe that it came in 0 too, but it is long gone. petite wouldn't work on me due to my long waist. Size 0 may very well be too tight around the shoulder/chest. So, what do you think:
1) Is it all in my head and the coat fits just fine
2) Should I try it on in size 0 for comparison if it comes back in stock
3) Should I alter it - I believe that moving one row of buttons an inch or so to the side would create a more nipped in look
I don't want an extremely tailored, waist super-defining fit, I already have one coat that fits like that, but I do want it to fit right.
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