I snorted a little as I read this because the Macy’s nearest to me is so overcrowded with crap I don’t know where they would put a Starbucks. Ok, in fairness, that’s a little harsh because they have improved a little bit of late, but still, it seems an overstocked, cluttered store with too much uninspiring merchandise.
I get that the concept could work to help retain and attract a few customers, but I agree that it doesn't get to the roots of the retail problems: too much of cheap, uninspiring styles at prices that are not low enough to compete with the discount stores but not substantial enough to indicate true quality or designer exclusivity. Almost a retail no-man’s land. I agree with Cindy.
And meanwhile, down at the other end of the mall, Nordstrom looks more and more bare every time I walk in, and more often than not I’m walking in to make a return of an online order. I feel bad when I do, like I’m contributing to the location’s negative cash flow or something, but it’s not my fault that they don’t carry stuff to my liking in that store.