My fav is the first.

By the way, I wouldn't worried about it looking too formal. Even though men in STEM might dress casually, as a woman you're still better off slightly dressing more professionally for reasons of authority, at least in the interview process.

Also, congrats! Wishing you the best for the talk.

You're set, but I just wanted to chime in to say you made the right decision, the outfits are fantastic (love #11 for the other day) and you are going to rock this interview! Good luck!

I agree with Angie! #1 for the win!

I get the whole casualization and wearing jeans, but I also feel like Casual Fridays and jeans are for when you've already landed the job. Right now, I feel like it's about showing up in an outfit that says "I take all of this very seriously and I'm ready to get to work".

Knock 'em dead at the interview!

If you suddenly feel the suit jacket is a bit overdressed, can't you just scrunch your sleeves?

Never, EVER wear jeans to an interview ! You may as well wear a beer stained AC/DC T-shirt and ugg-boots with it !

Go with dark slacks or a skirt with a blouse/thin sweater and suit jacket instead.

...and good luck with the interview

I survived day one and only heard one catty comment from a faculty member about wearing fancy shoes. (And this, if you were wondering, is why I was so concerned about looking too dressed up. Science people really do judge you on it. But overall I felt comfortable with my choices.)

Day two looks like it'll be a blizzard, so I'm glad I have practical boots instead of my nicer leather-soled boots for tomorrow.

Late here, since I think you are interviewing today, but I'm in academia, and you made exactly the right choice with #1. Good luck, and good luck solving the two-body problem, as well. I did, but it took awhile . Hope things are easier for you.

It's good that you are prepared for the snow storm. Good luck with your interview tomorrow.

Wishing you the best! you certainly will look fab!

I hope its all going well! I thought 1 to 4 were great. Academia is so tricky.

You definitely have a great selection of clothes - best of luck with these interviews. I love your innate sense of style, you do look professional and serious, but with a definite edge to your look.

Your interview outfits for both days look great! Appropriate, but with personality. Best of luck!

Great choices - good luck!

Just read your follow up -- hope you and your "fancy" shoes have a new professional home soon!

Greyscale's mention about getting a catty comment is so true. I think because they are slobs at heart and don't want anyone to set the bar too high. I used to campaign for the slogan "Bring back the academic robe" so they could wear whatever they wanted to under it. Summer when the male profs wore shorts I especially wished for a dozen gowns to issue out. The funny thing is, they never once noticed what the staff wore; some days I swore I could go in naked and they'd say "change your hair?" and walk on by.

Safe travels, Greyscale, and congrats for showing up and doing the hard stuff.

Option 1. In your previous thread someone with experience recommended dressing a little more formally than the already employed in the department and I just don't see how that can go wrong as long it's appropriate to the job. You look respectful, professional, attractive and approachable. It's perfect.

Whoops! Seeing the date! How did that go with the crazy snow?