Angie's post resonated with me today. Those of you who've read very many of my posts know that I've been on a long journey of learning to dress for my job, or in other words, adjusting my outfits to suit my colleagues.

Angie really got my attention when, after giving many examples of how she might adjust her outfit to suit her audience, she stressed that she is always *her*. She never wears something she's uncomfortable with, or feels false in, to suit her audience. Rather there is a range of looks that feel completely genuine and comfortable to her, and she chooses from among them outfits that help her connect with others.

I thought of the many adjustments I've made to my outfits when they didn't seem to be going over well (or perhaps when I wasn't going over well). I asked, have my outfits become less me as I've struggled to communicate sartorially more successfully? And I realized... no. They've become more me.

I entered the work force as a long time stay-at-home mom who had kids straight out of college. I wanted to be taken seriously. My ideas of how to dress had been formed by John Molloy columns that I'd read almost 20 years before. When I started realizing I needed to be able to convey more compassion, more humor, more flexibility in my first impressions to others, that was definitely not trying to be someone I wasn't. It was trying to show others who I actually was! By introducing more color and softness and whimsy, I was actually being me.

Most people probably don't need an audience to show them how to dress more like their own selves. I did, and I'm very grateful for their help!

Has your path to fashion self-expression been straightforward? Or have others helped you learn how to be yourself?