Thanks to Angie’s work with me, I now have a closet full of gorgeous pieces that reflect my style goals and are practical for my lifestyle. And yet each morning I’m tempted to reach past all those lovely items and choose the least dressy, oldest pieces of clothing to wear. The clothes I love most can feel too special, too fancy, or too exhausting to put on (none of my clothes are exhausting to put on- it’s a mental thing). I know from experience that if I force myself to dress a little better, I will quickly get used to feeling great and refuse to settle for less- my goalposts will move. I made the shift with my casual errand-running clothes. Now I want to do it with the rest of my wardrobe. Any suggestions for pushing myself to dress up?

Some successful strategies I’ve used include putting the clothes I want to avoid in harder to reach drawers/hangers and keeping the nicer stuff front and center. I’ve also kept a calendar and marked each day I’m successful, with the goal of a several day streak of consistency. I think might try setting out my whole outfit the night before and not allowing myself any other option in the morning. I know once I do a week or two of dressing up, my standards will shift!

Would love to hear other ideas!