I decided to try the Chelsea 28 wide-leg trousers. They were sold out at first but re-stocked. I started with the dark red, though now wonder if I should have tried black, to be a more basic color in an unusual silhouette, but that's sold out now unless I order Tall size.

I knew from description that they were really wide at hem, and they are for sure. The drapey fabric helps, and they're not super-voluminous on the hip, but there is a lot of hem! Also these are not "high rise" on me.

I have them roughly pinned up about 4", not fine-tuning PPL here, as they're incredibly long.

Pic 1 sort of like Angie's blouse with bootcuts post. But, his Pleione top doesn't want to stay tucked in front as well as it does with some real-waist skirts and pants, though, because the pant waist is low.
Pic 2 is a very simple top with less volume and more of a FFBO look.
This may be not be the best example, but something simple like it, not necessarily the exact top, is appealing to me with the full pants.
Pic 3 I just tried a gathered shell with cardigan, but now in the photo it looks like a lot of volume.

One of my goals for pants is to try out styles that work for belting and tucking, so these are contenders, but the slightly low waist plus the full legs may only be JFE. A higher waist gives me better proportions with a pleated pant (the opposite of the solution to the shortwaisted/flared skirt problem ) and I'm wearing about my highest ankle boot, so that's all the leg length I'll have.

Comments and suggestions welcome!

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