Received more items yesterday and today. I think these are all Angie picks. 1 and 6 are the windowpane pants. I really like them - I think they are JFE and they are fun! They are more flattering than I expected - the fabric is fairly heavy and doesn’t show lumps. I have a size up coming if they look too clingy in the thighs. Good fit in waist.
2-3, window pane pants and Ted Baker peplum sweater.
4 -Rails shirt with GA jeans, Blondo boots.
5 - Blondo boots. These fit me really well. My expectations were low given others’ experiences, but they are comfy. Inclined to keep. I found myself getting really tired of my black booties last winter.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated! I like the pants and the sweater a lot, but not my usual choices. I feel excited about wearing them now, but they are definitely look at me items, if that makes sense.

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