Riffing off from Rae here:http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....-a-moniker

Bear with me if it sounds like I am splitting hairs. Not intended to induce overthinking, just that thinking can be fun too!

Occurs to me in responding to Froggiebecky's post (which started it all---way to be a Modern Adventurer Goddess, btw) that some people prefer a name with a whole fantasy vignette behind it while for some it is enough to just express their own everyday personality.

Is the moniker dresser buying for a fantasy lifestyle then? Oddly, for those most successful at this...NO! They are just layering a story under rather than over their reality.

Is the self-expression shopper doomed to be trapped by her own idiosyncracies---the funny gal always dressing for whimsy, the strict mom never playful? Not so. The wallflower may dress more visibly to compensate or to articulate visually the friendliness she is too shy to verbalise. The nitpicky critic may dress for the approachability that people don't meet at first encounter. Both are still dressing true to personality though.

I suspect all of us have preferences in this. Like I was suggesting on rae's thread, identifying a persona can help you corrall your clothes and stop the shopping from getting away from you---very handy for those without strong preferences, strong empathy or simply whimsical magpie personalities.

On the other hand, for more self-disciplined shoppers especially comfortable in their own skin or those (like Angie?) adept at enjoying something on others without wanting to try it out themselves, just dressing to reflect their own forthrightness or cheerfulness or sedate temper or interest in art and craft or in history is rubric enough.

It's a little like being an introvert vs an extrovert: a modus operandi more than a trait in itself.

Which is your preference? And why? Or do you simply dress by your excellent style instinct and not spare any of this self-expression shit a thought?