she's been tight-lacing for years, if her body shape is any indication. here's a link so you can compare
!!!! NSFW !!!! (it's not THAT bad, just being on the safe side!)
you can see that the shape of her torso is very similar to many of the tighter-laced people (men can do this as well). Interestingly, if you 'train' slowly, with well-fitting and constructed corsets, and keep up with exercise and a good diet the body adjusts and you can be quite active.
here's a link to some info on the Empress of Austria
- a famous tight-lacer with a purported 16" waist. Obviously this was a matter of some scandal, the heir to the empire was not incubating in a 16" abdomen!! However, she was also an equine acrobat, doing gymnastics whilst on a horse. Her small waist did not impede her athletic abilities. Indeed, exercise was encouraged among tight-lacers as a way to stay trim but also it supposedly helped to 'expand' the upper rib cage, thus emphasizing the bust. In the painted portrait with her husband, it looks to me as if the Emperor was also wearing a corset.
As with any type of dress or body modification, tight-lacing can be subtly and beautifully done. For me it is difficult to see the beauty when it is taken to such extremes, but for many people it is a powerful stimulant. google 'tightlacing' if you are interested in finding more about this - once you are home from work!! steph