Congratulations! He's adorable.

Awwww... how sweet! Congrats to all of you. Wishing you many, many happy moments with the new pup

Sam is beyond adorable. So happy for the 3 of you. My folks had Yorkies and they were made of love. Enjoy him- he looks like he already knows how lucky he is. And I know you and Greg feel the same way.

Oh what happy news!!! I am so thrilled for all of you!

Enjoy every minute with that precious little ball of puppy cutesness and mischief!

Awwwwww! My heart just melted. So nice to meet you, little one!

OMG! He's sooooo cuteeeee!!! Congratulations Angie & Greg!

He is adorable little sweetie! I am crying here from joy for you and for Greg because it means you are healing now. This little sweetheart is the best medicine ever!
I was waiting for this happy moment to happen for so long

Congratulations to you and Greg. Sam is adorable.

Hello Sam! What a cutie you are!

Oh you can just see the mischief in those bright little eyes. I'm so happy for the three of you. Wonderful news! And isn't it amazing how these little critters creep into our hearts and absolutely take over???

I am intensely happy for you!

Oh, oh,oh, oh! He is bea u ti ful!. Mazel tov. I'm so happy for you! All that unconditional love!

Oh, he's just too cute! What a lucky puppy.

Oh, Angie, Sam is so adorable! I'm so glad that you and Greg have another little furry friend to share your lives.
The pictures are so cute, especially the last one with Sam sleeping with his tongue out - how heart-melting is that?

He is adorable. I just want to pick him up and cuddle him. I am so happy for you and Greg.

Wonderful to see you pop up on the forum, sweet Sam!-)
I am beyond happy for you and Greg, Angie, and as I've already told you, seeing cutie pie Sam in action just makes me melt (soon only a puddle of Inge will be left).

Congratulations he is so lovely and the BEST addition to the ylf team. I am on team terrier too with a westie.

Angie and Greg, he is the cutest thing I have ever seen (other than my own fur baby of course, lol)
Congrats !

A baby boy! Congratulations! There is nothing sweeter than puppy breath!

Sooooo cute. I'm so pleased he's helping you feel whole again x

Oh my gosh, cutest pup ever. How wonderful. Arf, woof woof, and welcome to YLF, Sam!

Congrats Angie and Greg for the new addition to the family! Sam is such a cute little darling. I see he's gonna be a studious one as he hides out under the bookshelf. :). The pic also shows how small he is now. Looking forward to to see him grow up before our eyes. xo

SUCH a cute boy!
Wishing you many happy doggie years.

My word. Greg and I thank you SO much for your awfully kind words. WOW. We are touched.

Those of you who have dogs know how precious they are - and thanks for the loves from your own pets. Doggies imprint on your hearts forever and are the best therapy. Yes, doggies are extremely cute and adorable as puppies - but doggies are even better as they grow older because their personalities develop, which is extra special. And I have a soft spot in my heart for old doggies. They are just as incredible in their own way.

Meredith, a BRILLIANT quote. Such truth.

Jules, thanks for remembering that I love Lord of the Rings.

Skylurker, not duplicating yet. But who knows what the future holds.

Kari, Denise, Gryffin and Michelle, your comments come deep down from your passionate dog loving souls and I appreciate your empathy and love more than you know. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t think about our precious doggies who are no longer with us. We have them in our hearts forever because they are unforgettable in the very best way. Much love to you.

Jackie, go Team Yorkie.

Crutcher, Sam is a huge love bug. Love to your little Toby.

Firecracker, you’re funny. HAH.

Suz, thanks for chiming in despite your very sad surroundings. ((HUGS)).

Sveta, you are astute. Sam IS the best therapy.

I can't even stand the cuteness! A big welcome to Sam from my pack. We look forward to watching him grow and hearing about some of the puppy mischief he gets his little self into. Congratulations!

So happy for you all! I just want to reach through the screen and squeeze little Sam! Cutest little guy ever:)

Oh. My. Goodness.

I was so hoping this was what your thread title meant, and the tears welled up when your pictures loaded.

Sam is absolutely darling, and I know Rosie and Jasmine are smiling down on you all right now, tails a-wagging.

Congratulations to the Cox family!

Oh! Dearest Angie and Greg, I've been hoping for a post like this. I am so happy for you, and how fitting that this should be a birthday present. I still remember Greg telling Kindrex and me the story of how Rosie and Jasmine came into your lives. Wasn't it your 30th birthday? I hope Little Sam brings years and years of happiness and joy to you. I know you will always miss you girls, but I am so happy your household is complete once again.
Lots of love,

Oh Angie, Sam is SO SO sweet I can only imagine the joy your little boy will bring. Let him chew the livin daylights out of your place, he can't do too much damage he's so teeny! I know I would let a puppy like this get away with murder.