I recently posted a link to a review of the Marie Kondo book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Here's a link to Amazon:

I recently purchased it myself. It's a little hand-sized volume and it is amazing: a whole new way of approaching what you have, what you keep, and where (and how) to store it. Some of it is a little OCD, some of it is very culturally specific, parts won't work for everyone, but the main message is incredibly freeing. Not just her basic tenet that things should spark joy, but understanding WHY they spark joy to us and how we should interact with the objects in our life.

I applied her concepts to several categories in my home already: cleaning supplies, pants, shirts, and sweaters. (One of her approaches is to tackle categories, not places, and to store everything that is the same in one area.) Do you know, I had FIVE separate sprayers of Scrubbing Clorox with Bleach around my very small house? Why did I need five? Once I had them all in a single spot, it became clear what I need and when I need it. As for the clothing categories, I am now getting bidding farewell to FOUR HUGE BAGS of things on those three categories alone -- things I never thought I could get rid of, for sentimental or value or potential-use reasons. But now I know they have taught me what I needed from them and I respectfully let them go.

I definitely think this book is of interest and will be helpful to forum members. Check it out and let me know what you think!