Latest update: the claritin + olive oil (twice a day to wash my face) routine continues to seem to be working. I just got back from business trip. As I said, airplane + hotel + etc (change of location, habits) was seeming to trigger the facial flushing. But not this trip.
Who knows why -- and I do see my dermatologist in another week, so I'll get her input. For now I will just say this: I conclude that this olive oil routine is worthwhile no matter what. My skin has not felt this good in a long time.
I'm not sure how much the claritin is helping. I assume it is, but not sure.
My head is spinning from all the great advice here... I am taking copious notes on all the recommendations and going to do my research, and experiment. CeraVe came up a lot so I will check that out.
Briar -- thanks for the head's up on sunscreens; I checked for those ingredients but either couldn't read the fine print or the fine print was on the packaging long discarded. Totally curious now so will have to do some googling.
Textstyle - I'm open to the apple cider vinegar idea. I don't know if I've tried tea tree oil, but it did occur to me that when I was a teen with a bad sunburn, a friend suggested I jump into a bath filled with a box of Lipton tea bags, and it was incredibly soothing and took down the burn. That recollection has been on my mind a lot lately, and I had contemplated treating a facial flushing episode with tea bags. Which sounds like a bad joke. And joke aside, it's just awkward when you're on a business trip / in public. I do think that would be soothing. Or is tea tree oil something different?
MG & Vix -- you know what they say "it's never lupus." Ha (nervous laughter). I've been with the same GP for 15 years, I trust him, he has said for all those years I may have an autoimmune issue-- but the tests are always nonspecific. No arthritis. He referred me to the dermatologist. I am inclined to figure it is "just" rosacea and/or fluctuating hormones and/or the prolonged effect of those two courses of antibiotics I took, shortly before this flushing started happening.