Elisabeth, I also have fibroids but thankfully my symptoms are manageable. Actually, since I've started running, I think they're improving.
Last year, after my mom's death, I got the fibroid diagnosis, had a scare with an ovarian cyst (which went away on its own), my blood pressure started creeping up a bit, and I had gum surgery. Even though this is more medical attention than I think I'd had in the previous 20 years combined, all of these things are relatively minor and are under control now, so I consider myself extremely lucky.
As kind as my body has been to me, I spent a lot of years bashing it. My close friends since high school can tell you that I complained about my thighs even when I was 15 and 115 lbs. I grew up with a perfectionist mother who fretted about an extra pound on her body, so I suppose I learned it from her.
I've come a long way and try not to give voice to those negative thoughts. My husband has noticed that I no longer say negative things about my body the way I did 10 years ago.
Do I love my body? Because it is healthy and just carried me through four miles of running this afternoon, and because I can swim, hike, bike, run, hold a tree pose, etc., yes, I do. Do I love how it looks? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But the former is starting to overtake the latter, as I continue to learn to be kinder to myself.