Talk has turned to pajam---I mean lounge wear!--over on Jenn's challenge thread. I thought I'd bring the conversation here so as not to hijack over there.

Back when I was growing up, pajamas were put on right before bed, tucked away as soon as we woke up in the morning, and changed weekly, along the bed sheets. These days, I tend to wear them many more hours than that, so they don't last a week. The styles I wear are slowly creeping towards regular day clothes, cozy edition, even though I don't wear them out of the house.

It's getting a little chilly for the Life is Good nightclothes I brought with me, so I got some new very soft, comfy pieces. I thought I was so clever to choose these to wear as nightgown and housecoat, even though they were listed as regular dress and cardigan. The dress has no shape whatsoever, but is lovely on the skin. The cardi is cozy without being in the way--the sleeves fit closely enough at the wrists that it is impossible for them to drag in the dishwater or catch on the door handle.

Then I saw this photo at the bottom of the dress' page I wish I'd taken a screen shot the first time around, because what are now described as "Schlupf" hose (pull-on pants) were named "pyjama pants". The whole photo is a little confusing to me, tbh. Are they having a night on the town in their modern black-and-white ensembles, or is this a slumber party? How can you tell?

On the one hand, this could be casualization of nightlife. Or maybe it's that lounge wear (that sounds so much more sophisticated than pjs) is getting fancier. What do you think? Do you care to share what you wear around the house? In the morning hours before you leave the house, in the evening when you unwind, during the day while you work from home and/or take care of kids and/or elders, do you wear T-shirts that are too bedraggled to wear out of the house, are you as dapper as Bernard in his recent WiW with argyle sweater and bow tie, or somewhere in the middle?

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