Thank you for reporting this Kiwigal. If you have some time could you please describe each of this three problems in more detail?
For example, do you mean your own posts disappearing when you post them? And what else is going on when that happens? Like error messages or the page stalling.
Similar sort of things for the photo viewing issues. Like, what exactly do you see? And are there any specific error messages?
Are the network errors happening at the same time you see these other things going on?
What is extremely useful to me is to know the time timing of these events. When you see one of these problems it would be great if you sent a quick email to Of course, detail is always useful, nut even a quick message like "Having trouble viewing views now. XYZ error message in my browser" is super useful. I can then go back to the server logs and see what errors might be related to what you are experiencing.
Finally, do these issues seem at all correlated with time of day? Even roughly, like you might see them more in the morning than in the evening, for example.