i am grateful to have had a happy and healthy year (knock wood). I wish all of you the same, if not in 2023, then in 2024!
This year:

  • I eliminated a whopping 107 items from my wardrobe. A lot of them were duplicates that I just wasn't wearing, and in some cases a whole category, like leggings! I NEVER wear them. My coat collection dropped by half. Anything ill-fitting went out the door as well.
  • I bought a lot more than I hoped (40 items) but that was still only about 60% of what I have purchased annually in the past. I also spent more on individual items instead of hitting the sales really hard. A step in the right direction.
  • A few of the things I bought were minor mistakes. The striped turtleneck that was Pinterest-inspired didn't really work out, and I found that the linen tops I bought felt scratchy. I'll keep washing them and maybe they will soften up.
Next year I hope to buy:
  • Fewer items. For example, I know FOR SURE that I only wear tees and shorts in the summer, so no more dresses or gauzy tops.
  • Textured and detailed items. Most of my purchases this year fell into simple/playful/practical categories, and in the end it all felt a little boring. Color does not necessarily equal striking.
I guess I would like my 2024 persona to be playful/practical/ROCK STAR! Wish me luck.

I hope you will post your thoughts on this year and hopes for the next. I get so much inspiration and practical advice from this group.