Hey Fashionistas,

My name is Serena, I'm a marketing postgraduate student currently doing their dissertation on the counterfeit designer handbag market.

The aim of my dissertation is to
explore the motivations, behaviours and feelings female customers attach to
designer brands and why this motivates them to buy both real and and fake designer handbags. I want to get a real sense of how a variety of women, regardless of their background, income or status feel and their experiences when purchasing these products. That's where you come in!

I'm looking to (group) interview 10 lovely bagaholics who identify themselves as female and are over the age of 18.


  • The interview can be completed either face-to-face, over Skype or on the popular application, Whatsapp.

  • Before we begin the
    interview itself, I’d like to confirm that you have read and signed the
    informed consent form. This is for me to submit to my University department and to ensure data protection.
  • The interview will then be audio-recorded. The reason for this is so that I can refer back to direct quotes when analysing my findings.
  • All personal information will be entirely anonymised and contained on a password-protected computer.
  • After the interview, I will then go away and analyse my findings, in aid of completing my dissertation.

  • My goal is to make conclusions and recommendations for marketers and brand managers on how we can reduce counterfeit designer handbag consumption.

I hope to hear from you fashionistas soon and would like to thank you dearly in advance,

