Well, hello! It is been a while. This is more of a general life and style update so if it belongs more to off topic, please feel free to move it. For a few months now I have been completely disinterested in fashion and style and more or less stopped caring how I look.

Losing both of my parents last year was difficult for me, especially since I was an only child and was very close to them. We decided to invest my inheritance into tiny second home near the lake in Austrian Alps (‘Sound
of music’ anyone?) and that was welcome distraction. My mental focus, energy and budget is directed toward furnishing and decorating the place and fashion and style has taken back seat at the moment.

I was also having some health issues, mostly hormones related. First going from hyperthyroidism to currently borderline hypothyroidism, then officially starting perimenopause and getting temporarily put on progesterone to regulate my cycle, battling with anemia, etc. Long story short, as a result I gained so much weight. Not sure how much because I stopped weighing myself – it was too upsetting. But at least 2-3 sizes up, that I can tell and it is still slowly going up, don’t know how to stop it. As I am not into mood for clothes shopping, I try to stretch my existing wardrobe as much as possible. I only got handful of bottoms to tide me over since bottoms are least flexible with weight gain. That means that my wardrobe size has shrunk substantially, only my most fluid and stretchy items still work but I am strangely content with that. I wear more simple neutral outfits, I repeat often and I have relaxed my office style, wearing more jeans and less blazers. As I am in stage of life where I don’t have career aspirations anymore and with eye towards retirement that can happen anytime in the next 5-10 years, I feel like not investing in my office wear as much.

After 10 years break, I started coloring my hair again to medium blond. I may go back to my silver hair at some point but I am currently enjoying the change. Not so much the upkeep LOL. I have also switched from silver to gold metal, which I think suits my warm skin better, but it is a slow process. It will probably take years to phase out all the silver, especially handbags.

I am going to try to post some WIW soon to illustrate the changes. I hope to slowly participate more in the forum if time and energy allows, I did miss you all. I have checked forum from time to time, but mostly just titles. I hope you are all doing well.