Next month will be my three-year anniversary as a virtual client of Angie's, and I am AMAZED at how my style continues to evolve!  Style goals that seemed out of reach have been achieved and replaced with new steps forward.  Every time I read YLF, send pics while shopping, or do a seasonal refresh, I learn something.  Here are three things that struck me during a recent closet edit. (This week’s outfits attached)

1.  My closet editing process used to be: get rid of stuff I spent money on but didn't wear enough or feel wonderful in.  Go spend money on other stuff I didn't wear enough or feel wonderful in.  I felt wasteful and defeated.  Now I can almost always define why an item needs to go, and I feel confident that I can avoid repeating the mistake.  I won't lie- there was a lot of turnover in my first year or so with Angie, but now my closet holds beautiful, versatile items I love to wear.

2.  It's taken me a ridiculously long time to notice how often an item I'm considering is already in my closet.  For example, I love pink dresses.  I own a sufficient number of pink dresses, yet I'm tempted by almost every pink dress I see.  Now I've learned to ask myself, do I already own a version of that item? (You'd think the answer would be obvious, but it often takes me a minute to recognize the similarity!)  Will this version move my style forward? And if it will, is the price point worth it?

3.  Now I have a very clear idea of how many clothing items I need or can even enjoy, and that gives me freedom to be really picky.  Before, I had lots of work dresses in my closet- they're one of my favorite things to wear.  But because only one or two of them were truly fabulous, I was always looking for more.  It has slowly dawned on me that I personally can only wear and enjoy eight to ten work dresses.  More than that overwhelms me, and I don't have enough opportunities to wear the items.  This realization has been transformational!!  If I only have closet and mental space for eight dresses, then I can be very selective.  In fact, I need to be, because if I put a mediocre dress in my closet, I've wasted one of my precious work dress slots.

Thank you, Angie, for all you do to educate your clients and all of us on YLF.  I'm excited for another year of learning!

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