As an update to my prior post on "my" leather jacket that had a sort of crumpled collar:

I tried Parsley’s rec for re-shaping. I zipped the collar, stuffed it with tissue to keep it up, and used hair dryer and re-shaped. It seemed to improve and stay straight but then just crumpled back—it has “memory”. I did this a couple of times.

Had a great “online chat” with Nordstrom SA. She could not locate one in a store, but ordered another from the fulfillment center, with instructions to the packers to pack the collar specially or something.

It arrived with no special packing and worse crumpled collar.

I think there may be something inherent in the design—the band collar has a form of reinforcement at top and bottom due to the inner seaming, but the middle does not, and perhaps needed some kind of fusing or something. Though of course that might not happen if hung carefully.

I know that a lot of the time I’d wear the jacket with the collar folded back to lapel-style, but still I wanted to be able toss it on and have it look like a stand-collar. That was just the perfect feature, the dual-collar option.

So I’m discouraged and losing enthusiasm, even though it may be that other leather jacket collars over time would develop the same issue and that would just appear to be normal “breaking in” or something.

I could also keep it longer and keep it shaped and do more hair-dryer-ing and see if it improves further. But that seems dicey. So that plus the slightly overlong sleeves are bothersome, even though I like the look of unzipping and turning back as an option.

Does this just mean this is not “the one”? Or am I giving up too soon?
I haven't re-visited with Nordstrom rep.