Thank you, Mirjana. The dress looks different every time I wear it. It is so basic that it takes well to accessories, I often wear it with a white or faux fur vest in greys, whites and a little black but liked it with the grey vest and will repeat that outfit.
Angie, thank you. In the cool spring I like to wear the grey dress with lots of white or pink/blush. Mint green would be good too. I have a mint floral scarf and wish I had your mint green jacket.
Ledonna, I don’t think too much about outfit combinations but do like to put everything out the night before, and thinking of outfits relaxes me. I love that you think of me as elegant every day.
JAileen I love your hair and birding life style. It has been snowing all day. At the feeders ( on the ground below it) we saw what I think was a spotted toned. It was scratching at the snow and was orange with black head and wings ( black with white spots). They are in this area at about 7000 feet according to the book. I hope he comes back. We have Asian ring new led doves and mountain chick-o-dees as well as lots of black capped ones and all sorts of juncos, nuthatches and an assortment of woodpeckers. No sparrows. No cardinals. Lots of finches, robins and the occasional blue jay.