Last minute packing dilemma!
I'm packing as we speak to go to LA for a few days. I'm giving a talk at UCLA. It's the first time I'm giving an important invited seminar (not counting job interview talks) and I am less well established than most of the speakers in this weekly series. So I want to look grown-up, of course, but also, science is really casual and it is important to me that I don't look out of place by dressing up too much. Mostly I see it as a fun chance to pull out some of my slightly nicer clothing while still looking like myself.
I can't decide between a few options for bottoms. I'm wearing my square silk shirt from Everlane. The pants options are:
1. Everlane wool trousers, ankle strap flats
2. Helmet Lang wool cropped pants with interesting seaming - very me. The only shoes that balance out these pants are my chunky sandals. If I had a pair of refined, low ankle laced boots they'd be perfect with this outfit but I tried all my shoes and nothing else was quite right for my style. This is my favorite outfit, but I'm afraid the sandals are too casual.
3. Alice and Olivia high waist pleated pants with ankle strap flats. The dressiest option, and I feel like it is a bit too dressy for the situation and my comfort.
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