I am feeling soooo sympathetic to anyone who has had a child, a foot surgery, a back issue, etc. today. My feet seem to be perpetually swollen all the way around the last few days - all of my shoes, which used to be comfortably roomy on my formerly-narrow feet all now squeeze my toes so they rub together, pinch, and feel too short. Ever read that Kafka novel? -_-


I LOVE my shoes. I felt fine buying quality shoes, because I knew I didn't want to have children... silly me, I thought my feet would never change. Now even away from work I'm afraid to wear my pretty pretty boots.

What do you think I should do? Invest in a kick-butt pair of work shoes and hope that kills the swelling so I can wear my normal shoes on off days? Or do you think it's hopeless and that I should start selling off my Precious? :_(