Hello Fabbers. I have been a bit scarce due to a recent major job change, so I'm sorry I've not been pulling my weight in comments.

I ordered these to try and they are quite fun. However they are more tapered than I realized, so while they are "full" they are not like a wide-at-hem cullotte or cropped-flare or straight.  I specifically targeted the fabric -a charcoal wool--and the pleats and waist that I estimated might fit. Indeed, they are a good fit, true-high waist and will not need tailoring.

Also another potential issue  is that they are a roll-hem IF I want to adjust length from time to time. I think they do look better with the roll/cuffed look than if I just  hacked off the length to a plain hem, but that makes them a bit more casual. Another option is to hem to allow just 1-2 rolls and then never wear at the longest ankle length.
Mostly wearing a plain light gray top here so the waist will show more, but shown with: 
1-2: Munro higher shaft bootie--hem rolled 3 times
3-4: PG lower bootie--2 rolls
5: Pump for fun--shown longer but of  course could roll up more
6: Loafer
7: Bad pic of PG ankle strap flats (Best.Shoe.Ever) -I didn't realize I had cut them off.
8: Shorter untucked top. Harder to do. I'd like warmer top options but hard to tuck heavy fabrics. But these are fairly forgiving so I think I can tuck merino+thin underlayer.
So,  first, how do they look to all y'all Fabbers?  Is this current by virtue of hey, it's being sold NOW or am I being too stuck in the pegged/tapered look.
I think I could certainly wear more of a gaucho-culotte look for sure with same boots but that would mean a lot more trial and error online because it's usually quite hard for me to get stride/waist fit. So I'm kinda thinking of these more for a reasonably current pleated look. The pleats are good for me, and for some recent health reasons I'm in need of some  more forgiving pants and skirts that are not too fitted on the tummy and hip, though with the right cut I can still do a high waist.

I have to be careful if a trendier item is not versatile because it won't get enough wears. I showed the ankle-strap because I   could wear these into warmer weather, as I can wear this wool indoors in air-conditioning if the top and footwear are lighter, seasonal--like a dressy T and the closed-toe flat.  

I will also say that these are pretty   "out there" for my environmental norm, so I would mostly rely  on neutral, simple good fabrics and footwear - at work, that is. For out& about, I could wear anything that still gives pleasing proportions but could do casual striped or graphic T, funkier footwear.

Any comments and suggestions welcome!

ETA: I've thought it through and decided that for my work environment and mission, it's better to stay more conservative. It's interesting to me that though I've thought about that even before trying this item, I was not really taking it to heart.

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