My dogs were barking (feet hurting) last week after a long museum visit. My feet have a tough time tolerating those concrete floors. My thoughts turned to sneakers. Most won’t work for me due to their flexible soles. I know white is the color of the moment, but I have a visceral reaction against it maybe because my hair is not yet white enough. (And when it is, I have no doubt that there will be nary a white shoe to be found!) These have a little black and beige.

I found the TopShop fashion sneakers and then saw these Nikes. Both chunky as all get out which is probably what appealed to me. The TopShops rub in an odd place, but the Nikes are comfy. Fashion Fail? Shoes best left for museum days only? That is okay too, because I am having a hard time getting my head around wearing sneakers as street shoes.

Please be honest. Suggestions for other museum worthy footwear would also be welcome. My Dansko Pros no longer cut it. Thanks!

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