I found this handbag on deep discount. I have been looking for a medium size dark brown bag for some time, so I ordered it. Full disclosure - the price was so amazing that I got a kind of a fomo.
When the bag arrived I really liked it a lot. It looks nicer than the picture. So, what’s the question, you might wonder. Well, I usually don’t like bags with logos very much and thus I am not sure if I will tire of it.
The pros:
Great colour - really dark cool toned brown.
Neutral hardware - will work with gold or silver equally.
Perfect size.
My favorite silhouette.
Lovely crafted - seems like a good quality.
Got it for a song.
The cons:
Logos - in theory, I prefer solid color leather bags, printed logos are not my thing. Longevity for me?
It is not as versatile as a solid dark brown bag, or can it be treated as solid in an outfit?

So, I am asking you for your honest opinion.
Do you like it?
Is the style a bit “stayed” for the lack of better word, or is it a classic? Here, I mean the shape as well as the pattern…

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