The weather has finally cooled down enough that I feel comfortable trying on my NAS orders in my non-air conditioned apartment. I have already sent back some definite no's but there are some items I'm undecided on.
(Please forgive photo quality, wet hair, etc!)
Halogen Kick Flares- (Photos 1 and 4): I'm just not sure. I'm not that excited but maybe because I'm new to the silhouette?
Pleione Asymetric Tunic- (Photos 2 and 3): Think I will send this back.
Halogen Cascade Front Jacket- (Photo 4): I think I like this. The shoulders are a bit funny and the way it hangs can feel a little odd when I move around but otherwise I do like it.
Caslon Open Front Knit Blazer- (Photo 5): Maybe?
Yummy Fleece- (Photo 6): I don't love it but it would be comfortable for lounging at home.
Wit and Wisdom Bootcut Jeans (Photos 5, 6, 7, 9): The only item I feel sure about. I want to keep these. I don't have any bootcuts and I feel good in these.
Caslon Denim Shirt (Photo 8 and 9): Not sure. It hangs funny when I half tuck but I kind of like it.
Caslon Long Sleeve Tee (Photo 7): Probably will keep.
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