Thanks everyone for the detailed feedback!

The Vans are staying, and for those of you who wonder, they are leather, not canvas. I'm not sure about how to keep them clean either. I have one of those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, do you think those will work? I'm off to do some research. Interesting to hear they work for low volume feet as well. The SA said they have more structure than most other slip ons, that could be their advantage. Aren't Vans the originators of this style? If so they've had some time to perfect the design.

KKards, Suz and Viva -- yes I think changing out the Brooks laces to a different color will make them more sleek like the Ash's. But without the wedge. Isabel thanks for the lace shortening instruction! And to those who suggested a different color -- I'm going to take a look.

The Ash's are going back, they are my least favorite. I can't think of enough places to wear them. They are more of an urban sneaker. I don't think they work as well on my hills and trails. Whereas I can picture myself walking my dogs in the other two.

So for now it's --
White Vans -- Yay.
Ash Dean Wedges -- Nay.
Brooks -- Maybe.