Thanks! I am thrilled with these finds.

To be very honest, I wasn't thrilled with the catalogue and was disappointed with some of the plus size collection compared to years past. However, there were some REALLY great options in dresses, and these pieces really filled some key holes in a way that still looks and feels like me. Total win!

Kari- both great picks for you and extra fun because of they are unexpected! Love the jumpsuit. It may be contagious, as suddenly I perceive a wardrobe hole here...


Great choices. That jumpsuit is a fun wildcard and looks amazing on you. That green is definitely your colour. Love the cold shoulder on you.

SUCH good finds, and I bet they'll be really versatile, too. I can imagine lots of ways to style that jumpsuit AND the dress (toppers will transform them both).

It is a great wildcard!

JuniperGreen, I have some styling ideas, but would welcome yours too.

The jumpsuit is amazing on you!

Love them both. The jumpsuit looks amazing on you!

I absolutely LOVE the dress! Wonderful finds on that sale!