Hi All

My challenge is to wear all my winter appropriate clothes and make an outfit with them that fits my style aspiration of being bold, relaxed and elegant.....

I did a count and came to 47 items to wear but there is a grey area of some tees that are summery but I wear in winter...and some gear that transfers over to my main wardrobe. I have one dress I will have to find an occasion to wear but I may have this occasion on the 1st August so might extend by a day....and I started early by a day too......so it could be a 33 day challenge. Sounds easy doesn't it..... Oh and I am trying to add an accessory to each look.

Outfit One - worn on Sunday to do some errands with my sons and friends (photo 1)
Outfit Two - worn for work (photo 1)
Outfit Three - working from home and a haircut (photo 2)
Outfit Four - Going to the velodrome to watch Jon in a track cycling challenge (photo 2) - featuring new hoodie added in June.
Outfit Five - work and to the movies (Yesterday which is a feel good movie) (photo 2)
Outfit Six - to work (photo 3) featuring two YLF treasures in a pendant and a ring.
Outfit Seven - working and meetings (photo 4) - ankleboots are new black Django and Juliette.

My apologies about the dark photo for the last outfit - it is mid winter and very gloomy on some days.

Accessories worn include three different bags, one scarf (2x), chunky white bracelet, pendant,a locket and some sparkly socks.

With the hoodie I did not wear any accessories as it was so casual.

I also had two casualties.

  • My favourite boots (camel) have a broken back zipper so need a repair. Even though they are about six - seven years old I think they are worth repairing.
  • And a new cable sweater has developed dye rub on the back - and the drycleaner and home attempts have failed. I am going to attempt to dye it - as it is 100% cotton I think it will work. Sadly it is new (one month old and worn about three times) and a nice light neutral. I clearly do not have Angie's superpower.

So far I have worn 20/47 pieces....

I personally feel none of these are a disaster, but a couple are only very average. I take the hoodie one out of it as it perfectly suited the occasion where most people were in lycra cycle shorts.

Which is the best and any you think need reworking to meet my aspirations? And are the silver socks fun or twee?

Thanks in advance!!

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