So, i actually had this outfit planned before I saw Angie’s post Friday morning—honest.

Also, it was driving me nuts how this was only day 29 but it was the last day of January. So I knew I would be 1 day short because I didn’t start the challenge until January 2nd, so it should have been day 30…looking back it looks like I had 2 day 18s! I promise that I can count, and I’m usually pretty good at basic math. So I’ll post 1 more outfit and then do a recap/round up of the challenge

back to fridays WFH outfit. Is this sporty luxe or athleisure? Not sure it matters, because for me it’s just a favorite. For I’ve wear it this to the office with black boots, I’ve also switched out this cream sweater for the exact same one but in black. And it works really well for a Friday at home writing year end reviews.

Thanks for looking. As always all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated

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