My 1st retail job was for The Gap back in ‘85-‘87. It was the start of Mickey Drexler era and we had some amazing items. Anyway, we had a sweater that was very much like the one I’m wearing here. In fact that’s what 1st got my attention, but I bought it because l love the v neck that’s just a little v, and the bold colors that are not that bold, and the little bit of white that provides a small contrast. In other words, I love the fact that they paid attention to the details. Worn with double yoke jeans - back in the late 80s or earlier 90s I had a pair of red cords from Benetton with a double yoke, loved those cords, saw theses jeans and it was another love at 1st sight. And these pointed toe boots, which aren’t like anything from my past, but are so much a part of my present
thanks for looking. As always all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated
bonus -found a picture of the gap sweater on eBay,
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