Shevia, no one has more gorgeous locks than you!
Taylor, the blue suit is from Suistudio. I was immediately attracted to the color and was glad it fit.....mostly. The sleeves are a little short so I made them bracelet length by rolling them. I often push up or roll long sleeves to keep them out of the way of inky blobs on reports, or out of the way of sink faucets because I wash my hands so often. (It’s a doctor thing....)
Joy, the jackets may not work with the dress, do you think the Armani would be worth keeping to style in another way? The blush jacket is a swing jacket from Lafayette 148NY. It’s surprisingly light weight and loose but may not look that way in the picture. It has embroidery and some eyelets to add textural interest. I like it and have been wearing it a lot because it is a perfect topper for air conditioning on very hot days. It may be too casual for the dress. I think the fuschia blazer is too long but I like the color combination.
Barbara Diane, thanks for weighing in, I am definitely keeping the dress and the St. John topper.
Suz, thanks for the feedback. I have been reading about your wonderful experience with Angie. I have been mostly quiet on the forum lately because I have been so busy at work.
I have to run.....sorry I don’t have more time now to respond individually to each of you. I need to head to work!