I'm a bit late, but I would like to join as well. I don't need much at the moment.
Last year, I bought some pre-owned (non-returnable) items on ebay, with mixed results. I like to thrift, but there aren't really any good thrift stores around here, which made me turn to ebay. Some of the items turned out to be great, while others were disappointing, so as a consequence, I want to limit my ebay purchases.
I also have a favourite clothing brand and browse their website a lot, and therefore, find a lot of tempting items there. I should either reduce my browsing, or be stricter about what I can buy.
I wanted to participate in the No shopping in November challenge, but then didn't commit, and bought a few things, so this time I want to hold myself accountable.
My rules will be to buy a maximum of 2 items per month. I already ordered and returned a few things, and now have four items that I am undecided about, so two of them will need to be returned!