Gaylene, I was thinking about you last night! I really think you hit on something truly important with that observation about statements being key to individual style. And so, so personal.
But you also said something really interesting in my earlier thread -- if a person is bored with her "uniform" adding a bunch of "statements" to it won't really help a lot. I might have run into that a bit last year.
Karen, I'd love to come shopping with you, and I am on the hunt for crazy pants.
Gem, thank you for that link. I think those pants are just a little too crazy for my style, but I appreciate the thought!
Jody, I am ordering a pair of dark red pants to try. In the past, bright coloured pants and I have not got along (although I do love patterned pants) -- so we shall see.
Neel, you are the queen of statements, so I need to look at what you do to see how it is done!
Jaime, thank you! I will consider this poncho business -- you and Gaylene can't both be wrong!
Deb, that shirt will look great on you. Too bad about knits, but good thing you don't live in my climate!!
Staysfit, that Vince sweater is indeed very beautiful! Off to read your threads.
Meredith, thank you. It sounds as if our strategies so far are similar.
Thanks, all. I am making up a shopping list and a list of categories to be on the lookout for. Feeling a little more hopeful that I'll be able to figure it all out as the season continues. And, after all, I don't really need to get dressed right now -- still sick!!