I would say wear things in lighter fabrications but with a "winterish" vibe to them. Of course I'm saying this and looking out the window to complete snow cover, more snow on the way, and temps dropping to the teens in the next few days.

I am jealous. Very, very jealous!

I can't say exactly what to wear buy I can relate to the dilemma- it feels like spring here nowbut we recently had one of our coldest winters. I can see how I'm tempted to overbuy dark wooly knits during a weather fluke or overbuy bright light things in July.

Overall I'm going for a mixed approach, in this way-- aiming to stock a few "springy" pastel or cheerful clear colors in merino and cashmere knits, along with some grays and burgundies and camel in breathable rayon or cotton blends, so I can swing either way.

Scarves and jewelry are other options for " lightening" or "darkening" the base layer.

Right now I'm having less problem with outfit boredom and more risk of not wearing things and then finding 6 months later I no longer see how to use the item.

I say dress for comfort. Here in the midwest, that often means pulling on knitwear well into April or May because it's still cold or even snowy, regardless of what the calendar says. Your idea to style around your jackets sounds good. If it were me, I'd want to save some of my S/S items for later in the season.

Of course, wear what you want, but I understand the dilemma. Here in the SF area we sometimes have the opposite problem - the calendar says spring or even summer and its 50 degrees and windy. Right now we are having a relative warm streak but despite that I tend to dress more winter-y, if only because I know that I want to reserve some of my spring wear for actual spring.

One of my longer term goals is to develop some outfits for "winter but feels like spring" and "summer but feels like fall" days. Mostly that has to do with thickness of fabrics, but also color schemes and overall 'feel'.

I say go for it. Then on a chilly day your winter clothes will feel new. And if you do tire of your spring wear, you can always increase the size of this capsule. Maybe your spring season is longer than you originally thought?

I'm glad you posted this, Rae.
I have been loathe to complain since our sisters throughout the US and Canada are freezing their patooties off. But now that you've broken the ice (sorry), I will chime in to say this constant warm weather is not the most fun. I feel like we didn't have any break at all, and just dumb old summer all the time. I would gladly send about 50 of our degrees to you chilly gals, and I wouldn't even miss them. Plus, we are in a drought. Today we went to the Arboretum where they have a natural lake, and the water level is down so low it is gross.

To fashion: I truly believe we need a seasonal color change in our wardrobes, even if nothing else changes. The eye needs to feel refreshed when spring rolls around, let's not cheat ourselves out of that "in your Easter bonnet" feeling. And thus, as I troll the stores for radiant orchid, I will also be looking for grey. I love sour brights and I know you do too, but for now I'll shift to more medium-toned versions of those colors. Perhaps rust? Kelly green? There must be some lightweight tops in those colors, I hope.