ETA: final verdict. I walked out of there with only the blue tweedy jacket. Neither dress passed the sit test. I may go back for the blackberry blazer.
Looking for things to upgrade my über casual style, especially blazers/toppers, because I see them here a lot, and have none (other than soft cotton cardigans). I need something to wear for interviews, and also a few items to work in with what I’ve got already. I was looking for items I posted last night, but haven’t found them.

So, up first, a blazer vaguely similar to the red one from last night. I like the cut, think it looks good. But I don’t like the fabric, doubt I’d want to wear it. Unfortunate.

Navy dress also posted last night. Fits perfectly, nice fabric. Really shows why I’m a “dress” person more than pants. Beyond my budget. I’ll have to keep an eye on it. Sales seem to work differently now than 10 years ago.

#3 Dress also posted online. Good fabric and in my price range. But what about that extra fabric on the side? Does that kill the deal? I can’t decide. I have dresses, but I’m not sure how many are work wear. This one tics all the boxes except “love it”.

I’m off to look for blazers/toppers in my price range, will post periodically during my search.

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