Wasn't sure where to post this one - I just want to thank Angie, and others, who have promoted this never-worn-outside shoe concept. I just bought a replacement pair of the Nike Zoom Pegasus running shoes that I've run, and now walk, in for 15 years. I decided to try them inside for a while since the style has changed a lot since my last pair, to make sure they fit.
Guess what? I really needed to be wearing supportive shoes inside! My feet have been dry and awful without pedicures, but now I'm moisturizing with the Angie-recommended Nivea cream before putting on my socks, and then wearing these shoes all day. Huge improvement.
Plus - and, honestly, I do not know why I didn't do this sooner - I started wearing them to do my exercise workout. I was doing that all in bare feet. I start on the yoga mat, but then move to lunges etc., and it's so much better with shoes. I just never wanted to bring my outside shoes into my workout area. Great solution!
This weekend I scrubbed my kitchen, hall, and powder room floors. On my hands and knees. I had not done that in more years than I can remember. I mean, I mop and swifter, and use all manner of upright floor cleaning tools on these floors at least 3 times a week, but there is nothing like really scrubbing. It was pretty shocking how much dirt I removed. This will become a monthly activity. And I have banned all shoes, ever!
So, thanks gang. But now I need to order another pair of Nike Zoom Pegasus.